Data part of the model, which is observable and will be serialized in snapshots.
Use it if one of the data properties matches one of the model properties/functions.
Can be overridden to offer a reference id to be used in reference resolution.
By default it will use the idProp if available or return undefined otherwise.
Returns undefined | string
onAttachedToRootStore(rootStore): void
rootStore: any
Returns void
onInit(): void
Returns void
reset(): void
Returns void
toString(options?): string
Optionaloptions: { withData?: boolean; }
OptionalwithData?: boolean
Returns string
toString(): string
Returns a string representation of an object.
Returns string
typeCheck(): null | TypeCheckError
Performs a type check over the model instance.
For this to work a data type has to be declared as part of the model properties.
Data part of the model, which is observable and will be serialized in snapshots. Use it if one of the data properties matches one of the model properties/functions.